Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Insanity Day 1...

Well folks.... I did it. I actually made it through the entire plyometric cardio circuit. Does that mean I did everything? No, but I did my best, and I think I just about died. I was reading some reviews on Insanity yesterday, and one of them said to be sure to allow at least 30 minutes of doing absolutely nothing after your workout. I understand why now because guess what I did for about 30-40 minutes afterwards....

Oh baby, laying down never felt so gooooooooood. Plus, I really thought I was going to throw up all the water I drank. Too much information? Oh well. Surprisingly, I have had a lot of energy today, and I'm feeling great, and it's not even 11! Everyone should go INSANE! ;) haha, you know what I mean!

Until next time!


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