Monday, October 20, 2014

Here's to teaching!

Well, apparently blogging just isn't in my blood. I know that's the truth because the only reason I am here today is to fulfill an assignment for an online class! I'm supposed to write about my teaching philosophy, but here's the thing....I'm not even sure what mine is! I'll start with my life philosophy, how's that?


This has been my life goal since before I can remember, and I think that's what really led me to become a teacher. As a teacher, you have so much control in what you put into the minds of your students and who they become. That's a pretty big responsibility! You aren't just giving them answers to tests, you're giving them keys and answers to life and success. I often get a disgruntled look when I tell people that I am going to become a teacher. In fact one of my close family members once said to me, "Kellie, you're so smart! The smartest kids in the class aren't supposed to become teachers!"  
I guess I just think of it differently, and I don't exactly know where this idea came from because I really only had a handful of decent teachers throughout the years. I guess I know how they impacted my life, and I want to do that for someone else. 

Being a teacher gives you a first hand experience to touch someone else's life. I love being personal with people and learning more about them. I love reading, sharing, and writing. I really want to have an interactive and lively classroom. I want my students to discover more than the four walls of my room; I want them to discover who they are deep inside and who their peers are. I want to create a classroom where empathy, compassion, understanding, kindness, and critical thinking abound. Some may think that's a lot to ask, but someday I will get there. 

I chose English as my content area because I truly believe that by actively reading and expressing yourself through writing you can become a more well-rounded person. You learn so much about other people, cultures, ways of the world, and all of those help you discover who you are and who you want to be. Of all the students in my classes going into different content areas, I consider myself the luckiest to be going into English. Words change people, and those people change the world.

 So I guess that's it, my teaching philosophy. I suppose it's to make a difference in the lives of my students and to allow them to change my life forever. 

I can't wait.

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